A message to earth’s humanity

I can not force you to do anything.

I can only support you in developing higher level of being, of thinking, of oneness with the universe. With yourself. So you can choose what’s right.

Earth’s problems will never be solved by exchanging. “I receive your money and in exchange I will…”. Even if it’s a good act. Even if it’s money going to a charity that has the sole purpose of doing right.

Earth’s problems will be changed by growing collectively to a higher level of being.

That is: trusting that all that we give, will come around.

Trusting earth is part of a universe that is infinitely abundant.

That we all will be taken care of.

If we trust and live that way.

It is your God given talent that will change the world. Step up to it. Provide it to the world. Give. Learn, grow. Give more.

It is when we collectively start giving, earth will change.

And that’s not just our time and money. But also, more importantly, our thoughts. Our intentions.

Intentions of healing. Intentions of love. Intentions of abundance.

Grow your own state of being (first). So you can be of example to someone else.

This is done by meditating, listening, getting in silence. And receiving all that you need in that moment.

All that you need emotionally, spiritually, physically, in the form of inspiration, thoughts, ideas, plans, motivation, strength, release, healing, growing, will be given to you on the exact right moment.

Once we become quiet. Feel our heart. Connect to it.

Once we start enjoying the process.

Once we start doing that, everything will change.

– Jesse van der Velde
Amsterdam, The Netherlands


1 comment

  1. Zo ontzettend waar! Dankjewel voor deze wijze en inspirerende woorden.

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